Showing all 11 results

  • Aquamarine

    Found in green-blue to blue color variations, aquamarine crystals get the blue tone due to the presence of iron within the crystal. They are comparatively large and well-formed and the depth of sea blue color is most intense in large specimens while the color in smaller stones is comparatively lighter. Unlike other colored gemstones, aquamarine’s…

  • Cats-eye

    Variety of chrysoberyls displaying chatoyancy caused by the light reflecting from inclusions of tiny parallel needles or hollow tubes, Cymophanes are commonly known as cat’s eye.

  • Garnets

    Gemstones belonging to the family of Garnet occur in a multitude of colors except for blue and are available in several varieties including almandine, andradite, grossular, pyrope, spessartine, and uvarovite. Except for andradite and uvarovite, all the other types of Garnets are available in Sri Lanka, with some displaying asterism, chatoyancy, and a color change…

  • Moonstone

    Moonstones are a precious stone belonging to the Feldspar class of minerals and are celebrated for their magical glow caused by adularescence. Meetiyagoda mines in Sri Lanka are the source of the world-celebrated Blue Moonstones. Classical moonstones are always cut as cabochons. However, some Moonstones feature a cat’s eye effect or a four-spoked star in…

  • Print

    Peridot, sometimes called chrysolite, is a yellowish-green transparent variety of olivine. Peridot is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color. Peridot can be found in mafic and ultramafic rocks occurring in lava and peridotite xenoliths of the mantle.

  • Rubies

    Considered to be the most valuable gemstone variety in the Corundum mineral species, the distinct red in Ruby is caused by the presence of chromium. The color spectrum of Rubies found across the world varies from orange-red to purplish-red. Color is the most significant factor affecting a ruby’s value: Fine gems are pure, vibrant red…

  • Sapphires

    Sri Lanka is famous for its sapphires, especially the Ceylon sapphires. These come in various colors, including the highly sought-after deep blue, as well as pink, yellow, orange, green, and violet sapphires. The term “Padparadscha” is used to describe a rare and valuable pink-orange sapphire found in Sri Lanka.

  • Spinels

    Natural spinel, however, has always been a rare and beautiful gem. Sri Lanka is the second largest supplier of spinel to the global gem and jewelry market with colors ranging from ruby red, pink, and orange, shades of reddish-brown, purple, blue, bluish-green, mauve, greenish-black, black to colorless. The occurrence of natural blue spinel colored by…

  • Topaz

    A versatile species of gemstones, Topazes are available in a variety of colors and colorless forms. Often identified by the hue name, such as pink or blue topaz, some of the most expensive and rare topaz have commercial names given to them. The high-value red and pink stones are known as Imperial Topaz while the…

  • Tourmaline

    Tourmaline is a name applied to a family of related minerals with widely varying properties. Tourmalines make very popular jewelry stones and come in an amazing range of colors, including multi-color zones. Tourmaline is the modern October birthstone, and pink in particular is a very popular color.

  • Zircon

    A popular substitute for diamonds around the world, Zircon is colorless in its chemically purest form. Mostly found in Matara Sri Lanka, colourless zircons are also known as Matara Zircon or Matara Diamonds. Colorless zircon found in Sri Lanka is celebrated for its brilliance and flashes of multicolored light, called fire. Meanwhile, zircon is also…